Subject: ND CheckPlease 2.0 source Author: Hardy Macia/Allan Hoeltje Uploaded By: HardyMacia Date: 4/25/1995 File: CheckPlease2.0(src).sit (36960 bytes) Estimated Download Time (37942 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 134 Equipment: Mac Needs: NTK Keywords: NEWTON MACIA CHECKPLEASE SOURCE CODE t to PocketMoney and other PM-FPS compatiable programs. The tip and tax rate is also saved across resets. (Freeware - version 1.0 by Allan Hoeltje, version 2.0 by Hardy Macia) This file has been checked with McAfee Scan and Virex 5.51 and is known to be virus-free at the time of uploading. This file can be found in the PDA Forum's Software Libraries (Keyword PDA).